GF Virtual Wonders

Do you ever wonder why without any piping systems , you wouldn’t be able to read your emails, nor scroll up or down your social media, or have a glass of water, beer, gin or wine to overcome the panic and I didn’t even think about driving home in your full electric vehicle?
Embark on a virtual journey that's bound to leave you inspired
For many, Georg Fischer might ring a bell as a leader in Piping Systems. But their expertise doesn't end there; it merely begins. With a heritage spanning years, Georg Fischer (since 1802) has ventured far beyond mere piping.
We craft state-of-the-art valves, advanced sensors, ingenious automation systems, innovative balancing techniques as well as pipes, fittings, tools and plastic welding machines.
Our commitment to excellence is evident in the diverse range of solutions we offer, integrating both cutting-edge technology and sustainable practices.
Do you ever wonder why without any piping systems , you wouldn’t be able to read your emails, nor scroll up or down your social media, or even have a glass of water, beer, gin or wine to overcome the panic and you didn’t even think about driving home in your full electric vehicle?
We as GF Piping Systems proudly present our digital 3D showroom, offering a glimpse into some of our latest solutions that address the above challenges.

Accessible via laptop, tablet and the most popular 6DoF VR headsets, this immersive experience promises to transport you into a world where innovation takes center stage.