Sustainable insulation at Recticel
From now on, many of Recticel's insulation products will have PEFC certification. This means that the paper in the multi-layer facer of the insulation panels comes from forests that are managed in a sustainable way. Recticel is therefore the first of all pir/pur manufacturers to be allowed to carry the PEFC quality mark for its insulation solutions.
From now on, many of Recticel's insulation products will have PEFC certification. This means that the paper in the multi-layer facer of the insulation panels comes from forests that are managed in a sustainable way. Recticel is therefore the first of all pir/pur manufacturers to be allowed to carry the PEFC quality mark for its insulation solutions.
From now on, many of Recticel's insulation products will have PEFC certification. This means that the paper in the multi-layer facer of the insulation panels comes from forests that are managed in a sustainable way. Recticel is therefore the first of all pir/pur manufacturers to be allowed to carry the PEFC quality mark for its insulation solutions.
PEFC is short for Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes and is thus a label that promotes environmentally friendly, socially beneficial and economically viable forest management.
Insulate with sustainable material
You know better than anyone that Recticel's insulation solutions already have a major positive impact on energy savings. If you then insulate with sustainable material, such as with the PEFC-certified products, the positive environmental impact is even greater.
The construction sector has a major influence on the climate, and that is why it sets up many initiatives to reduce that impact: just think of the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Recticel's sustainability strategy is fully in line with this.
Recticel started PEFC certification in 2019. The DIY range was already certified in Bourges (France) and Stoke-on-Trent (UK). Now it is the turn of many more products, in particular Eurowall, Eurothane Silver, Eurothane Silver A, Eurofloor and Euroroof.
Would you like to know more about Recticel's sustainability strategy? Here you can read how we respond to important challenges such as energy savings.
More about our PEFC certification
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